
There shall be six classes of membership of the Society:

Ordinary members:Any person interested in promoting and the objectives of the Society may become a member, either by attending a biennial Conference at which his or her membership is part of the Conference registration fee or by applying in writing to the Secretary or Treasurer and paying the appropriate pro rata biennial subscription to the Treasurer. Current biennial subscription is US$20.
Life members:Any person interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a life member by applying in writing to the Secretary or Treasurer and paying the appropriate subscription to the Treasurer. Current subscription is US$150.
Sustaining members:Any proprietary or similar company interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a sustaining member by applying in writing to the Secretary, obtaining approval from the Executive Committee, and paying the appropriate biennial subscription to the Treasurer. Current biennial subscription is US$200.
Honorary life members:Any ordinary member, who has, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, given outstanding service to the Society, may be elected as an honorary life member at any general meeting of the Society by simple majority of those present
Student members:Any full or part-time student attending a conference of the Society or interested in promoting its objectives may become a student member at one half of the standard subscription, but without voting rights. Current biennial subscription is US$10
Affiliated Societies:National, state, regional or other societies with similar objectives may affiliate with the Society following application in writing to the Secretary, approval by the Executive Committee, and payment of the appropriate biennial subscription to the Treasurer. Current subscription is US$300/$200/$100 for large/medium/small societies

A member may resign from the Society by giving notice in writing to the Secretary but there shall be no refund of any advance subscription already paid. A member who does not attend the next conference of the Society shall be reminded in writing that their membership has lapsed and if no subscription is received within six months of the date of communication, their membership shall be deemed to have lapsed. Student memberships shall automatically lapse after two years unless renewed by the student member.

Application form to filled for APWSS membership

List of APWSS members:

Rules of the Society


The name of the Society shall be the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society (Incorporated) hereinafter called the Society.


The objectives of the Society shall be to promote weed science, particularly in the Asian Pacific region.


The official language of the Society shall be English.


There shall be five classes of membership of the Society:

Ordinary members:Any person interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a member, either by attending a biennial Conference at which his or her membership is part of the Conference registration fee or by applying in writing to the Secretary or Treasurer and paying the appropriate pro rata biennial subscription to the Treasurer.
Sustaining members:Any proprietary or similar company interested in promoting the objectives of the Society may become a sustaining member by applying in writing to the Secretary, obtaining approval from the Executive Committee, and paying the appropriate biennial subscription to the Treasurer.
Honorary life members:Any ordinary member who has, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, given outstanding service to the Society, may be elected as an honorary life member at any general meeting of the Society by simple majority of those present.
Student members:Any full or part-time student attending a conference of the Society or interested in promoting its objectives may become a student member at one half of the nominal subscription, but without voting rights or receipt of the Newsletter.
Affiliated Societies:National, state, regional or other societies with similar objectives may affiliate with the Society following application in writing to the Secretary, approval by the Executive Committee, and payment of the appropriate biennial subscription (if any) to the Treasurer.

An ordinary member may resign from the Society by giving notice in writing to the Secretary but there shall be no refund of any advance subscript ion already paid. A member who does not attend the next conference of the Society shall be reminded in writing that their membership has lapsed and if no subscription is received within six months of the date of communication, their membership shall be deemed to have lapsed. Student memberships shall automatically lapse after two years unless renewed by the student member. Sustaining and affiliate members may resign from membership by giving notice in writing to the Secretary but there shall be no refund of any advance subscription already paid. Sustaining and affiliate members shall be advised of the current subscription by the Treasurer within three months of each conference; if the subscription is not received within six months of the date of the communication. their membership shall be deemed to have lapsed.


  1. The Officers of the Society shall be:
    1. President, whose function will be to lead the Society and arrange the following conference.
    2. Vice-President, whose function will be to arrange the succeeding conference.
    3. Secretary, whose functions will be those normally associated with the position of a society secretary, including production of newsletters.
    4. Treasurer. whose functions will be those normally associated with the position of a Society treasurer.
  2. The officers of the Society for the next two years shall be elected at the Executive Committee meeting held during each conference and shall take up their duties three months later.
  3. The officers of the Society shall serve in an honorary capacity but with the payment of normal out-of-pocket expenses (except travelling) or other expenses approved by the Executive Committee (including travelling).
  4. No member of the organisation or any person associated with a member shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by the organisation in respect of the payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person of any income, . benefit, or advantage whatsoever. Any such income paid shall be reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in an arms length transaction (being the open market value).
  5. Officers shall relinquish their positions three months after termination of the biennial general meeting next renewing their election, at which time the incoming officers will take up their duties.


The Executive Committee shall consist of

  1. The President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. Immediate Past President
  6. A representative appointed by each nationa1 weed science society or similar body within the Asian-Pacific region.

The Executive Committee shall have the normal powers of an executive committee of a society provided that they do not conflict with these rules. These powers may be delegated to subcommittees consisting of one or more members of the Executive Committee with the power to appoint APWSS members not on the Executive Committee provided that they are chaired by a member of the Executive Committee. Such subcommittees shall report to and may recommend to the Executive Committee but shall have no executive authority. The Executive Committee shall meet at each conference of the Society, at which time the quorum shall be at least three officers plus an equal number plus one of other members (proxies may be accepted). It may make interim decisions between conferences by majority postal ballot conducted by the Secretary, but such decisions require ratification at the next full meeting of the Executive Committee.


An ordinary meeting of the Society shall be held during each biennial conference at a time and place convenient to most members of the Society. The President will preside and will introduce the Officers and Executive Committee, report on the activities and decisions of the Executive Committee, and seek ratification by the members. The Secretary will report on the previous two year’s activities and seek ratification by the members. The Treasurer will present an audited statement of income and expenditure and seek approval from the members. The President will conduct other business as required or as requested by members in writing to the Secretary prior to the meeting, and introduce the Vice-President as President-elect. The quorum for a biennial general meeting shall be at least half the Officers of the Society, at least half of the ordinary members of the Executive Committee and thirty other members of the Society. A Special General Meeting may be held at any time by resolution of the Executive Committee or on receipt by the Secretary of a resolution signed by at least twenty financial members and specifying the purpose for which the meeting is to be called. At least three months’ written notice shall be given by the Secretary to all financial members of the time, place and purpose of such meeting.


Only financial ordinary and honorary members are entitled to vote at a biennial or special general meeting. Each such member shall be entitled to one vote on each motion. Voting shall be on the voices and/or by show of hands at the discretion of the President unless any member shall request a vote by secret ballot and only then will written proxies be acceptable. The Secretary shall normally be the returning officer. A simple majority of those present will be sufficient to carry any motion except when otherwise stated. In the event of a tied ballot the President shall have a casting vote.


All funds of the Society shall be paid to the Treasurer, who shall bank them in one or more accounts held solely in the name of the Society. The Society’s bank account(s) shall be operated by the Treasurer, Secretary and President with at least two signatories to each cheque, of which one shall be the Treasurer. The Society’s reserves shall be kept in US dollars and a working account may be kept in another Asian-Pacific currency. The Treasurer shall keep up to date details of the Society’s financial affairs and make them available within four weeks to members of the Executive Committee on request. The Treasurer shall arrange for the Society’s accounts to be audited by a qualified auditor before each conference.


Any or all of the rules of the Society may be altered, rescinded or added to at any biennial general meeting or by postal ballot followed by ratification at a biennial general meeting, provided that at least three months notice has been given in writing to financial members and at least two thirds of the members present at the meeting or responding to the postal ballot support the proposed changes. No addition to or alteration or rescission of the Rules shall be approved if it affects Clause (iv) of Rule 5, (Officers of the Society), or Rule 12, related to the Winding up of the Society.


The Society shall have the power to borrow and lend funds for purposes supporting its objective, provided prior agreement has been received from a simple majority of the Executive Committee.


The Society can only be wound up by a two thirds majority of members at a general meeting or through a postal ballot. If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the or ‘anisation, there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Organisation but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable Organisation or body having objects similar to the objects of the first Organisation, or for some other charitable purpose, as shall be decided by a simple majority of the members at that biennial general meeting.